November 24, 2004
Deaf Music Festival Issues Call For Performers
From: Center on Disability Studies - Nov 24, 2004
VSA arts Hawaii-Pacific is seeking music performers who have hearing and/or visual challenges to participate in the International Deaf Music Festival and Symposium. The event, sponsored by VSA arts Hawaii-Pacific, the University of Hawaii Center on Disability Studies and Hawaii Services on Deafness, will take place June 17-18, 2005 at the Hawaii Arts Place and the Pearl City Cultural Center, Pearl City, Hawaii. The Festival will feature Beethoven's Nightmare, America's only professional all-deaf band. (Learn more about this group in the next issue of Opening Stages.)
Performers interested in participating in the Festival and Symposium should send the following items, together in one envelope with a cover letter to:
Dr. Arthur Harvey, Coordinator of Music Education
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2411 Dole St
Honolulu, HI 96822
A completed application may be mailed, faxed, or e-mailed and should include:
• Name of Ensemble/Soloist/Act
• Number of musicians and names
• Contact Person and Contact Information
• Name, address, email, telephone, website
• A recording of the performing ensemble or soloist on either VHS or DVD (Length: Minimum 4 minutes - Maximum 20 minutes) Home recordings or professional releases are suitable. The performers will be chosen based on their performances, not on the recording quality.)           Â
• A photo and bio of the performer(s) (Photos and recordings will not be returned.)
• A short description of your act (2-4 sentences on your sound, style, instrumentation, line, special features, tech requirements)
• A brief statement of why you feel your act should be included in the festival and how it meets the requirements
Dr. Harvey can be reached at
Tel: (808) 352-6088
E-mail: aharvey@hawaii.edu
In addition, VSA arts of Hawaii-Pacific is issuing a call for participation in the Symposium. Proposals should address the topic of the "Creative Will: The Implications of Music as a Vehicle for Creative Self-Determination for People Who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-Blind or Blind."Â Suitable topics include evidence-based research, best practices, innovations in live performance, assistive and communication software and technology, teaching and communication styles, and evidence of excellence and successes in the advancement and promotion of professional careers in the performing arts by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or blind.
All proposals must be submitted in English and must contain the following information in the heading:
• Title
• Topic to the
• Format preference
• List of presenters/performers (and their affiliations), beginning with the lead presenter, including addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail
Submissions may be sent via e-mail, by fax or by regular mail. They must be composed in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect or ASCII format. Mailed proposals must be on a 3.5 disk. E-mailed proposals should be sent as an attachment or as part of the body of the e-mail. The deadline for submission is January 30, 2005. Abstracts should be mailed to:
Susan Miller
VSA arts of Hawaii-Pacific
University of Hawaii
Center on Disability Studies
Hawaii Deaf World Music Festival and Symposium Program Committee
1776 University Ave., UA 4-6
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 455-6002 or (808) 946-7300/VOICE & TTY
E-mail: millers@hawaii.edu