November 26, 2004
Rukhledev Receives Prestigious Award
From: Valery rukhledev - Nov 26, 2004
Moscow, Russia - Valery Rukhledev, President of both Russian Association of the Deaf and Russian Sport Union of the Deaf, recently became the newest recipient of the prestigious award - Medal of Peter the Great. The Russian Federation's Academy on Issues of Security, Defense, Law and Order presented this award to Mr. Rukhledev in a special ceremony.
Mr. Rukhledev received the award for "his outstanding and personal contribution to the development and strengthening of the State of Russian Federation."
This is the first time in the history of the country that a deaf person like Mr. Rukhledev received such a highly-prestigious and honorable award from the Academy.
Many top governmental officials in Russia, including President Vladimir Putin, are personally aware of Mr. Rukhledev's tremendous leadership and versatile work on behalf of the deaf people in the country. Mr. Rukhledev is a well-known name among the deaf people as he, in his youth, was the former world class athlete in judo, sambo, free style and Greco- Roman wrestling. He is also known as the influential business administrator and sports executive in Russia and Europe.
Currently, Mr. Rukhledev is running for the position of the CISS/Deaflympics President. The elections will be held during the 39th CISS Congress on January 4, 2005, in Melbourne, Australia.
Valery Rukhledev