January 15, 2005
SHHH-LA January Meeting Information
From: SHHH-LA - Jan 15, 2005
Wishes you a
Happy New Year!
And invites you to the first meeting in 2005!
SHHH-LA was founded in September 2004 by a group of adults with hearing loss. The purpose of this group is to bring support and understanding to all people who live with a hearing loss (whether it is mild to severe) along with their family and friends. SHHH-LA members communicate by lip reading, writing signs, sign language or the use of a real time captionist. We will be meeting every 4th Saturday of the month, in order to limit conflicts with other support group in Los Angeles County. All meetings are captioned!
Our first meeting of the year will take place on January 22nd, 2005 from 10am to 12pm:
HEAR Center
301 East Del Mar Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91101
626-796-2016, www.hearcenter.org
Directly after the meeting there will be a baby shower for our Chapter President Valerie and her husband Willy. The shower will take place from noon to 2 pm at the HEAR Center. Even if you are not able to attend the meeting, please feel free to join us for the shower (or vice versa)!
The topic of discussion at the November and December meetings was: "Problems HOH people may encounter throughout the Holiday's in family or group settings"
The topic of discussion for the Jan. 22nd meeting will be: "Problems HOH people may encounter at work"
You are welcome you to join us and share your thoughts. Refreshments will be served! Hope to see you there!
You are welcome you to join our Yahoo Groups list serve:
We have a very chatty list serve, you can go to the link now and read posted messages even if you don't join the list serve. If you do join the list serve you can go to files and read the meeting transcripts and steering committee minutes.
Get involved NOW!
Take care,
WHEN: We meet on the fourth Saturday of the month (10am to 12pm)
WHERE: Pasadena Hear Center 301 East Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91101
Valerie: valstern@verizon.net
Steering Committee Members:
Pat: pkwidman@sbcglobal.net
Katherine: kkjump7@earthlink.net