April 15, 2005
Computer Courses for Deaf and Blind People
From: Metamorphosis, Macedonia - Apr 15, 2005
15.April, 2005, Dnevnik
Members of deaf and blind people associations from Veles started with computer training for people with special needs. They learn how to use new technology adapted according to their needs. The training will last for two months and 24 people will learn the basis of computer technology.
"In the fist level of training people learn about the basis of Windows and Word. We have only 6 computers, some of them are borrowed, just to train as many people as possible. People are very interested in the course, but because of the limited capacity were had to reject some applicants. Apart from the people with special needs, their family members attend the course, too," said Toni Pajdakov from the Blind People Association.
A special program is installed on the computer that reads the text displayed on the screen.
"With this program blind people will be able to read printed material that was inaccessible for them," added Pajdakov.
20-year-old Sonja who has problems with sight attends the course.
"Until now I was not able to read even a newspaper. With this course we can be up-to-date with the events in Macedonian and in the world. Fashion, show business and sports information, that were available only on TV, are now closer to us," said Sonja.
With the help of Hugo Dalstrom, Peace Corps volunteer, the course participants have learned English language for two moths. They have modest library of books with Bryan language, the only one in Macedonia, at their disposal.
The project is financed by Foundation open Society Institute Macedonia and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
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