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April 14, 2005

Look at courses

From: Hearld 24, UK - Apr 14, 2005


LIP reading and sign language will be on the agenda during North Hertfordshire College's Deaf Awareness Week campaign.

The Look at Me campaign will run from May 2 to May 8. The college aims to raise awareness of different types of deafness and the forms of communication used by deaf people.

The aim of the campaign is to promote the positive aspects of deafness, social inclusion and raise awareness regarding the support networks already in place for deaf people, their families and friends.

The college runs courses in deaf awareness, British sign language and lip reading throughout the year.

o The college is also offering new courses for people with visual impairment in June and July.

The 10-week taster courses will include art and design, modern languages, cookery, music and drama.

Students will learn in small groups and tutorial support and advice will be available.

For more information contact 01462 424242 or central enquiries on 01462 424305.

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