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May 13, 2005

News Release: Speak 'n Read

From: MedBio - May 13, 2005

News Release

Six million more Americans with hearing disability can now receive treatment. Eighteen more people outside the United States can also be helped.

MedBio Research Centre of Ewa Beach, Hawaii has developed and is marketing the World's First and Only speech recognition hearing aid.

About one-in-four people with a hearing disability have not been able to find satisfaction with the hearing aids, treatments and implants that are now available. The MedBio 'Speak 'n Read' technology is a new approach that will work for that one-in-four group.

On the chart three of the four hard of hearing people are in the audible tone zones and hearing aids can be of assistance to them. The remaining one of the four are below the threshold and are in the inaudible zones.

It is those people below the threshold that the MedBio Speak 'n Read system is designed to help.

The concept is very simple. A person speaks in a normal tone of voice, the system translates the spoken words to written text, displays the text, and the impaired person reads what has been said. They then respond and a conversation is carried out in a near normal fashion.

The process is highly complex using a powerful hand held computer and improved voice recognition and artificial intelligence proprietary software.

For further information:

See the website

Contact Lee Lewellen, Phd Cybernetics, MedBio Research Centre,

Telephone 808 685 0980 Hawaii Standard Time