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July 17, 2005

SHHH-LA July Meeting Information

From: SHHH-LA - Jul 17, 2005


SHHH-LA was founded in September 2004 by a group of adults with hearing loss. The purpose of this group is to bring support and understanding to all people who live with a hearing loss (whether it is mild to severe) and their family and friends. SHHH-LA members communicate by lip reading, writing signs, sign language or the use of a real time captionist. Membership is free.

Come and join us at this month’s meeting! This is a wonderful social and support group for adults with hearing loss.
(Friends, family, loved ones & curious onlookers are welcome, too!)

July 23 (fourth Saturday of every month)
10am - Noon
301 E. Del Mar in Pasadena
(Meeting entrance is through the back door)

For the July meeting we have a speaker lined up! Christine Coleman from Hope for Hearing, will speak on "The Psychology of Hearing Loss".
You are welcome you to join us and share your thoughts. Refreshments will be served! Hope to see you there!

Please join us after the meeting for a fun time bowling!
We will all meet at the Pickwick in Burbank at around 2 PM:
Address: 921 W. Riverside Dr. Burbank, CA. 91506
Phone: (818) 842-7188 ext. 350 or 351 for desk
Fees: Jrs-$1.75 Srs-$1.50 Shoes $2.50 Sat Nights

NOTE: All meetings will be captioned. The captioned notes from our monthly meetings are available at

You are welcome you to join our Yahoo Groups list serve:

We have a very chatty list serve, you can go to the link now and read posted messages even if you don’t join the list serve. If you do join the list serve you can go to files and read the meeting transcripts and steering committee minutes.

Get involved NOW!

We had our very first SHHH-LA garage sale yesterday July 16th, and raised $500.47! We also sold snow cones, sodas, water, hot dogs and chips. (the snow cones were a big hit!) Thank you Donny for making all of the snow cones and Armand for cooking the hot dogs! A special thanks to Mike, Alicia, Valerie, Willy, Aidan, Pandora, Cybele, Pat, Mary, Armand, Lisa, Kenny, Chloe, Gus, Bette Anne, Ray, Mark, Steve, Danny, Katherine & Donny for all of your help with this fun Fundraiser. (Thank you Dan & Mary Smith for dropping by with your handsome grandson to say hello! It was great to see you!).

See our Newsletter:

See our fundraising store!

Any Questions? Feel free to e-mail me or:

Take care,