August 11, 2005
CISS/Deaflympics Ombudsman Attends U.N. Convention On Disabled People
From: DeafSportLawsuit.com - Aug 11, 2005
PRESS RELEASE – August 11, 2005
From: www.deafsportlawsuit.com
New York, USA – This week the United Nations at its Main Headquarters premises in this city is hosting a major international event called Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities.
The Convention is attracting a record number of attendees – over 500 persons from nearly 190 nations.
This Ombudsman, along with Convention attendees such as Liisa Kauppinen, the President–Emerita of the World Federation of the Deaf, Carol-lee Aquiline, the former Secretary General of the World Federation of the Deaf, leaders of the deaf associations in the Russian Federation, Chile, Korea, Guinea and others, are witnessing the proceedings of the Convention, in which 25 various drafted Articles are brought up and debated.
Among the Convention participants are also listed many non-governmental international and national sports organizations that serve the disabled, including the International Paralympic Committee ( there is not any representative of the CISS/Deaflympics in attendance at this important international event ).
Of the proposed 25 Articles at the Convention, one – Draft Article Number 24 – is being dealt with the issue of physical education and sports among the disabled people, including deaf.
Draft Article Number 24, among the other things, includes three key proposals such as,
States Parties recognize the right of all persons with disabilities 1) "to have the opportunity to participate in all sporting activities of their choice at local, regional, national and international levels," 2) "to receive on an equal basis to other people, including deaf, instruction, training and resources for pursuit of all sporting activities,"
and 3) "to ensure equitable access to government and private funding for persons with disabilities to facilitate full participation in sporting, recreational and leisure activities and organization."
The Convention will end its work tomorrow, August 12.