August 4, 2005
Sprint Enhances CapTel with True Caller ID in Twenty-three States
From: Sprint - Aug 4, 2005
Sprint Enhances CapTelSM with True Caller ID in Twenty-three States
Aug. 04, 2005 - Effective immediately, True Caller ID is available to all CapTelSM Relay Service (captioned telephone) customers of Sprint (NYSE: FON). CapTel customers do not need to make any changes to their equipment, as users who subscribe to Caller ID through their local telephone company now can view the name and number of the person calling on their Caller ID box.
CapTel is an assistive technology aimed at easing communications for the more than 24 million Americans who are hard of hearing, have experienced hearing loss later in life or are deaf individuals with good vocalization skills. CapTel with True Caller ID is available through Sprint in 23 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. Hard of hearing active and retired federal government employees (civilian, military and federally recognized U.S. Tribal members) also can take advantage of CapTel services through Federal Relay.
CapTel is a leading-edge technology developed by Ultratec, Inc. of Madison, Wis., that also requires a special CapTelTM-equipped phone in order to place a call through the CapTel Relay Service. The CapTel phone works like any traditional phone with callers talking and listening to each other, but with one very significant difference - captions are provided live for every call. The captions are displayed on the CapTel phone's built-in screen so the user can read the words while listening to the voice of the other party. This allows conversations to flow more naturally, allowing for normal interruptions and expressed emotions. CapTel services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
For more information on CapTel services provided by Sprint, please visit www.sprintrelay.com. Or refer to Ultratec's Web site at www.captionedtelephone.com.
Media Contact: Stephanie Taliaferro, Sprint