September 5, 2005
MI CI SHHH Chapter Events coming up
From: MI CI SHHH Chapter - Sep 5, 2005
Upcoming Michigan events: contact rifox@comcast.net for further information about both of these events including maps to their locations.
September 10 Muskegon, MI from 10AM to 4PM
Picnic - Bring dish to pass and table service
Lunch at 11 so that people who want to go to another Muskegon event for the Deaf/HoH called the Silent Celebration(featuring performers Kathy Buckley, Trix Bruce, Gael Hannan, Pinky Juggler, Bertram Weston, and Professor Ken Glick, and speakers Dave Myers, Chris Hunter and Mark Pierce, and Terry Portis (SHHH National Executive Director) can make the opening ceremonies at that event.
September 17 Mount Pleasant from 11 AM to 2 PM
Finger food pot-luck
Bring a A Finger Food to Share
(These are foods we can eat without utensils such as sandwiches, chips, veggies, cookies, fruit, etc.)
Topic: Open Forum... Adjusting to the hearing world.
Have you ever wondered . . .
. . . if you could again enjoy music on a CD played
. . . use a cell phone?
. . . use a FM loop or headphones?
Bring your accessories and let's share and find out together!