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November 1, 2005

Over $18,000 Raised for DeafHope at DeafNation Charity Golf Tournament

From: DeafNation - Nov 1, 2005

Media Contact: Joel Barish, DeafNation
P.O. Box 762
Frederick, MD 21705-0762
FAX 301.682.7529


Over $18,000 Raised for DeafHope at DeafNation Charity Golf Tournament

Livermore, CA [November 1, 2005] – DeafNation hosted a charity golf tournament in Livermore, Calif., on Thursday, Oct. 27 that raised over $18,000 for DeafHope, an agency devoted to removing domestic and sexual violence. “It felt great to bring positive awareness about DeafHope to people,” said DeafNation CEO Joel Barish. “I believe that Deaf and hearing golfers, in addition to community supporters, were able to get a better idea of what DeafHope does for the Bay Area. We were able to golf and learn new things about the work that DeafHope does at the same time.”

The tournament, sponsored by Hands On VRS and John Sullivan Automotive Group, attracted over 60 golfers and non-golfers. “The event was well planned. With the aid of perfect weather and the condition of the golf course, everyone who attended enjoyed every bit!” said Sprint account manager Michael Finneran.

“It was a wonderful whirlwind of events for DeafHope,” said Julie Rems-Smario, executive director of DeafHope. “Witnessing many Deaf golfers who care about eradicating domestic and sexual violence by joining the golf charity just renewed my inspiration to keep the work at DeafHope going!”

The impact of the tournament was felt by DeafHope throughout the weekend. DeafHope was able to reach a different group of people that following Saturday at the DeafNation Expo in Pleasanton, Calif. “The expo was also so important because it gave DeafHope the opportunity to share our artfully created life-size silhouettes of Deaf victims who died violently in the hands of their husbands or boyfriends,” said Rems-Smario. “With the tournament and then the expo, DeafHope volunteers were able to make a powerful impact on our Bay Area Deaf community and remind them that we still have work to do to remove domestic and sexual violence.”
Rems-Smario had a personal experience at the expo that affected her deeply. “A mother came to our DeafHope booth to share with us that her daughter and grandson were killed by the grandson's estranged father.  The daughter was studying to become an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter.  Now the grieving mother is learning ASL so she can become an interpreter to carry her daughter's dream.” As a result of this encounter, the mother signed up to become a DeafHope volunteer.   
“It is stories like these that makes me so proud of the impact that DeafNation’s events, such as the golf tournament and the expo, have on the community,” said Barish. “As long as we can have that kind of positive influence, we’ll be doing this for as long as we can.”

Tournament Sponsors
Eagle Sponsors: Hands On VRS & John L. Sullivan Automotive Group
Par Sponsors: IP-Relay, McDonald Foundation, Sorenson VRS & Sprint
Cart Sponsor: Smariosoft Solution
Hole Sponsors: Berlinski Family, Hou Family, IP-Relay, Starbucks & The Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program
Golf Company Sponsors: almostGOLF, ASERTA Sports, hammY, Pride GolfTee, Softspikes & Tour Edge

About DeafNation
DeafNation and DeafNation Expo are the premier destinations for people wanting to stay updated about the latest happenings in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Visit for the latest news, video clips in sign language, and exclusive coverage of events such as the Deaflympics and World Federation of the Deaf activities. DeafNation Expo is the foremost exhibition for, by, and about Deaf people. DeafNation Expo, held at different locations across the nation each year, is a celebration of culture, an exhibition of technology, and a business and social event – all wrapped up in one dynamic, spectacular event at no charge to attendees. Visit DeafNation’s website today at!

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