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November 9, 2005

Waltrip Highlights Ohio DEAFair With Humor

From: Ohio DEAFair - Nov 9, 2005

MEDIA CONTACT: T.S. Writing Services
(507) 334-2366 FAX


Waltrip Highlights Ohio DEAFair With Humor

Columbus, OH [November 9, 2005] – Comedienne and actress Vikee Waltrip delighted crowd-goers with her comedy, performances and quick thinking at the Ohio DEAFair in Columbus on Nov. 5. “We wanted to bring in excellent performers to the Ohio DEAFair 2005 event to showcase their unique talents and show our attendees that deaf and hard of hearing people can succeed in the entertainment world, and to provide a lot of entertainment!” said Marsha Nippert Moore, event chair. “Vikee came highly recommended, and we were really eager to have her act on our stage.”

“A key part of my performance is audience improvisation, which means audience members volunteer to come on stage and do some fun improvisation games,” sad Waltrip. “It’s always great for laughter, and oftentimes even I will laugh myself into tears.” Waltrip, who is from Swansea, Ill., shared Deaflore, jokes and stories as part of her performance.

“Vikee did an awesome job of entertaining the audience.  She gave three short performances during the Ohio DEAFair entertainment and then served as our emcee for our first-ever Ohio DEAFair's evening's social entertainment, and helped facilitate our Family Feud and Wheel of Fun games throughout the evening,” explained Moore. “She kept the audience entertained all evening and was a wonderful entertainer! Hats off to her!”

The Ohio DEAFair, in its fourth year, provides awareness and entertainment through performances and exhibits. “It’s really our goal to promote awareness to everyone,” added Moore. “We wanted attendees to live, see and breathe the world of Deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind people and its unique culture, language, and celebration of diversity.”  Over 2,500 people attended, and other performers included magician Matthew Morgan, Russian dancer Lillian Morgan, mime Bill Carwile, comedian CJ Jones, and several local entertainers.

“It’s so important for our collective self esteem to have a history of who we are especially at events like the Ohio DEAFair event,” Waltrip says. “The bottom line of any performance are the three Es: Entertain, Educate and Enjoy! I had a blast at this year’s DEAFair, met so many people was so impressed by the warm, warm reception. I look forward to returning!”

For more information on the Ohio DEAFair, please visit To book Waltrip, please contact, or visit Waltrip’s website at

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