November 3, 2005
World “Opened Up†For Hard Of Hearing Clarksville Woman Through Use Of Interpreting Services
From: League for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Nov 3, 2005
For more information:
Sharon Limpus
615-599-0080/615-554-9938 (cell)
APSU graduate has helped hard of hearing students in Montgomery County Schools
[Nashville, Tenn. – November 3, 2005] – Clarksville resident Donna Johnston might not be where she is today without the help of professional interpreting services from the League for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, which opened up the world for her.
Johnston, who is Hard of Hearing, works in the Montgomery County School System with Life Skills students. She has worked with Hard of Hearing students for 18 years and knows American Sign Language. Johnston earned a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Computer Technology for Education, both from Austin Peay State University. During her years at APSU, Johnston utilized the League which is based in Nashville, Tenn., for qualified interpreting services in her college classes.
“There are many people who think that an interpreter is not needed but if they were in my shoes, they would understand that interpreters open up the world for the Deaf,†she said. “They certainly do make a difference in a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person’s learning and quality of life.â€
She added that until she had a qualified interpreter she didn’t realize she was missing out on so much. Johnston also credits APSU for getting interpreters for her classes. In fact, fellow students and teachers learned a few lessons not listed on the course syllabus when Johnston was a part of their classes.
“My classmates and professors came to realize that even people with an ‘invisible’ disability like mine could learn and do the same things as any hearing person,†she said.
The League has opened a new satellite office in Clarksville each Wednesday from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. League staff interpreter Sharon Wilson, NAD III, CT, provides on-site interpreting services at the site, which is located at the United Way of Clarksville-Montgomery County, 1300 Madison Street.
The League has served the Montgomery County/Clarksville area and surrounding counties for nearly 80 years as part of its purpose as the sole provider of qualified interpreting and comprehensive services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Middle Tennessee region and parts of Southern Kentucky.
Its presence in Clarksville offers area residents a convenient alternative to its Nashville location. Walk-in interpreting services are also available at the League’s Nashville office from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. Off-site interpreting services are available by appointment by contacting the League’s main office, 615-248-8828 (V/TTY). Emergency services are available 24/7.
For information on the Clarksville office or interpreting services, contact Wilson at 931-801-4039 (V/TTY) or sw@ldhh.org. For more information about the League, visit www.leagueforthedeaf.com.