February 8, 2006
ADVISORY: Gallaudet lauches Dr. I. King Jordan Lecture Series
From: Gallaudet - Feb 8, 2006
Office of Public Relations
800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002-3695
202.651.5505Â Â FAX 202.651.5704
For more information, contact:
Darrick Nicholas
Media Relations Coordinator, Gallaudet University
PH: 202.448.7136
E-mail: darrick.nicholas@gallaudet.edu

Freeman Hrabowski, Ph.D
President and Distinguished Scholar
The University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Academic Leadership: Â Creating a Climate of Success for All Students
Time: Noon
Date: Friday, February 17, 2006
Location: Swindells Auditorium
Gallaudet University 800 Florida Ave., NE
NOTE: Gallaudet University established the Dr. I. King Jordan Lecture Series to honor President Jordan’s many years of distinguished service at the University.  One of the hallmarks of Dr. Jordan’s presidency has been his commitment to academic excellence. In recognition of his leadership in achieving excellence, speakers who have made outstanding contributions in their fields are being invited to address the Gallaudet community throughout this year. Local, national, and international scholars and leaders—including those from Gallaudet--will be part of this series.
We are pleased and proud that the first speaker in the Dr. I. King Jordan Lecture Series will be Dr. Freeman Hrabowski.
Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, has served as President of UMBC (The University of Maryland, Baltimore County) since May 1992. Â His research and publications focus on science and math education, with special emphasis on minority participation and performance. Â Gallaudet was very fortunate to have had Dr. Hrabowski as Commencement speaker in 2004.
Dr. Hrabowski is co-author of the books, Overcoming the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Young Women, and Beating the Odds, Raising Academically Successful African American Males.
About Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University is the world leader in liberal education and career development for deaf and hard-of-hearing undergraduate students. The University enjoys an international reputation for the outstanding graduate programs it provides deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing students, as well as for the quality of the research it conducts on the history, language, culture, and other topics related to deaf people. In addition, the University’s Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center serves deaf and hard-of-hearing children at its two demonstration schools and throughout the nation by developing, implementing, and disseminating innovative educational strategies. Gallaudet is located in Washington, DC.