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February 3, 2006

Hamilton Relay is coming to DeafNation in Phoenix, Arizona

From: Hamilton Relay - Feb 3, 2006

Hamilton Relay will be at DeafNation in Phoenix, Arizona on Saturday, February 11th!

The Hamilton Relay team is looking forward to meeting you! Get a hands-on experience on our wide array of products and services including:

- Hamilton Relay VRS (D-Link:

- Hamilton Relay Internet (

- Hamilton Relay Wireless (AIM screen name: HIPRelay, or

Come by and visit the Hamilton Relay booth between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sign up to win an exciting prize!

Visit us at the Phoenix Civic Plaza, located at 111 North 3rd Street; Phoenix, AZ – Hall A.

You’re only a click away from connecting with the people you love. People you count on. People who count on you.

Hamilton Relay. That's what I'm talking about.