February 6, 2006
UK: Future funding for accessible cinema: HAVE YOUR SAY.
From: Subtitles @ your local cinema - Feb 6, 2006
Future funding for accessible cinema: HAVE YOUR SAY.
Please complete the one minute survey.
The Government is asking the public's opinion, via a one minute survey, on how National Lottery money is allocated to the arts, film, sport and heritage.
Lottery funding has been used to improve access to the arts for people with disabilities, including members of the audience, workers and the artists themselves. It has helped to fund cinema subtitling and audio description equipment, to enable people with hearing and visual impairments to enjoy films.
Film related projects currently receive only 2% of the Lottery money allocated to the good causes. If you think film related projects should receive more money from the National Lottery, then please spare a few moments to read and complete the brief online questionnaire. This must be completed before the end of February. The more people who comment and support, the better chance of continued funding for film related causes.
The questionnaire has four sections and film is in section 2.
Here's a quick guide to filling in the Film Section:
1. Skip the User name and password section at the top.
2. Choose age bracket and place of residence.
3. Type a username and password (six characters at least). Retype password.
4. Choose a Category of Interest (first or second option will suit most people)
5. Click NEXT at the bottom of the page.
6. Click NEXT again to skip to the Film section.
Have your say. There are 2 questions with multiple choice answers and a space for comments if you wish to include any.
That's it! Just click 'skip to end' at the bottom of the Film page
then click on 'finish' at the bottom of the final page to exit and submit your form.
There's no need to fill in any other section unless you want to.
If you would prefer you can e-mail lottery@ukfilmcouncil.org.uk with your age, place of residence, area of interest, and what you want to say.
When you have completed the questionnaire please pass on this message to others so they too can make their case for National Lottery money for film related projects. The more people who comment and support, the better.
Thank you.
Subtitles @ your local cinema .com