March 14, 2006
Deaf History International Conference- Berlin, Germany July 31-Aug 4, 2006
From: Dhhreport (WRAD) - Mar 14, 2006
Deaf History International Conference- Berlin, Germany
July 31-August 4, 2006
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
I am pleased to welcome you to the VI. DHI- conference in Berlin, the capital city of Germany. Berlin, the city which was shared by two states after the fall of the Nazi-power, was reunificated in 1990 and is now in the middle of Europe (Germany).
The 6th Deaf History International Conference in Berlin is intended to be dedicated to emphasize legal, political and sociological oppressions & forms of discriminations towards the Deaf Community in the history in order to reflect on the past, to overcome the shady history and to imagine better future. The slogan is „to overcome the past and its consequences to present solution for the present“.
The Deaf History International Conference will focus on several subjects of Deaf History such as Deaf Women History; Deaf Art/Theater/Movie History; Future and Goal of Deaf History; Deaf History and the sign linguistics; Discrimination a.) of Deaf in School and Education and b.) of Deaf minorities; the status and role and contribution of Deaf History studies and also the role of Deaf History for the Deaf community and Deaf studies/Research fields and other topics.
(Please look on the topic list for the congress under: DHI-Topics at the website.)
There will be a special topic about the Deaf Community Life in the period from 1933 to 1945 relating to subjects of Deaf Holocaust, Forced Sterilization, Deaf Nazi, Deaf Refugees etc.
The first and regrettably the last until present conference took place 1998 in the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C./USA. In 2002, a special volume of the Conference reports had been published. As a result research studies of this special subject of the Deaf History have been initiated and consequently necessitated organization of the next scientific Conference in order to continue the previous researches.
The conference is supported by Aktion Mensch and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Humboldt University Berlin. Conference languages are German Sign Language, International Sign, German and English.
The conference fee (which include lunch, coffee-/teabreak and conference items) are available at the website.
You can take a virtual tour of the university and lecture hall. Please look on HU-Virtual tour (Our lecture hall is visible under "Kinosaal").
Parallel to the conference, there will be cultural program (guided tours, theater, movies etc.)
Till another announcement.
Sincerely yours,
Mark Zaurov (M. A.)