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April 12, 2006

National Theatre of the Deaf appears in the New York Times

From: NTD - Apr 12, 2006

To all supporters of the National Theatre of the Deaf,

The National Theatre of the Deaf wishes to inform you of the article that appeared in the _*New York Times*_

Please check out the following link to read the story:
***Don't forget to click on "more photos" under the first picture for a slide show of moments from TC Cherry School in Kentucky.***

Thank you to Susan Stava and Andrew Henderson for their excellent shots of the actors and students.
Finally, many thanks to Alison Cowan, for her dedication to the piece and her sensitivity to our situation.

For more information about our funding situation, please read our press release at:

If you are interested in making a donation to NTD, email us at

Thanks to everyone,

National Theatre of the Deaf
139 North Main St.
West Hartford, CT 06107
(860) 236-4193 voice/tty
(860) 236-4163 fax