April 12, 2006
Signing Volunteer Opportunity
From: Total Longterm Care - Denver - Apr 12, 2006
Total Longterm Care’s goal is to keep elders in the community, living quality lives for as long as possible. We offer the opportunity for elders to receive the care they need during the day by coming to one of our five centers in the Denver area and then going home in the afternoon. At our Capitol Center we have a very wonderful deaf gentleman who is quite lonely and would like a volunteer who knows signing to come and be his friend. He doesn’t come to the center every day so we could schedule you at most any time. He lives near Yale and Downing. If this is something you would like to do, please call Barb Warner at 303-996-0444 x 102 and let’s talk. Thanks! (our website is www.totallongtermcare.org)