June 13, 2006
Educational Interpreting Series Available From NTID
From: NTID - Jun 13, 2006
Contact: Karen E. M. Black
585-475-6840 voice/TTY
ROCHESTER, N.Y., JUNE 12—Educational Interpreting: A Practical Approach, an updated series of video and print materials describing strategies necessary for people who want to work effectively with sign language interpreters in grades K-12, is available from the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, a college of Rochester Institute of Technology.
The series, originally produced in the late 1990s for teachers of deaf students, educational interpreters, school administrators, support service personnel, parents and students, has been updated and reformatted. Eight captioned videotapes have been converted to two DVDs and the original booklets have been combined into a single 230-page book.
Produced in classroom settings to depict interpreters in diverse situations with students who have different communication and learning needs, the series shares information and strategies necessary to provide deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals with the best communication access to education and emphasizes the importance of hiring trained and qualified interpreters.
Educational Interpreting is available for $95 plus shipping, handling, and applicable tax, from RIT’s Campus Connections Bookstore, 585-475-2504 (voice), 585-475-7071 (TTY). To order online, visit http://www.rit.edu/NTID/EdInterpreting.
NTID is the first and largest technological college in the world for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. One of eight colleges of RIT, NTID offers educational programs and access and support services to the 1,100 deaf and hard-of-hearing students from around the world who study, live, and socialize with 14,400 hearing students on RIT’s Rochester, N.Y., campus.
RIT has the largest staff of professional sign language interpreters in the country and is one of the more accessible college communities in the world.
In addition to the Master of Science Program in Secondary Education of Students who are deaf or hard of hearing, NTID also offers associate and bachelor’s degree programs in American Sign Language-English Interpretation.
Web address: http://www.rit.edu./NTID.
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