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July 24, 2006

Hauser Recognized for Work in Diversity and Online Learning

From: NTID - Jul 24, 2006

Contact: Karen E. Black
585- 475-6840

Hauser Recognized for Work
in Diversity and Online Learning

ROCHESTER, N.Y., July 24—Peter Hauser of Rochester, an assistant professor in Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Liberal Arts, has received the Isaac L. Jordan Sr. Faculty and Staff Pluralism Award, and the Exemplary MyCourses Teaching Award.

The Isaac L. Jordon Sr. Faculty Award honors those who have worked to promote diversity and pluralism. Hauser won for his work as chair of a committee to develop innovative programs to promote pluralism and diversity events and for an annual workshop he conducts that teaches facilitators how to be more sensitive to diversity and pluralism issues.

“Pluralism is a process of people from different backgrounds working towards a common goal,” Hauser said. He is a former Deaf Rochester News editor, and now an advisory board member.

Hauser earned the Exemplary MyCourses Teaching Award for teaching the blended course, “History and Systems of Psychology,” which is now used as a model for professors who want higher participation in their classes.

“The idea of a blended course is to take the best from face-to-face instruction and online instruction,” said Hauser. “Using the blended format reduces communication barriers between deaf and hearing students. Work and learning became easier, fun and interactive.”

Hauser will soon transfer to the Department of Research and Teacher Education for RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf, where he will spend most of his time studying attitudes toward deaf people, deaf identity, American Sign Language, literacy development, and testing the psychometrics of psychological assessments.

Rochester Institute of Technology is internationally recognized as a leader in computing, engineering, imaging technology, fine and applied arts, and for providing unparalleled support services for students with hearing loss. RIT is home to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, and more than 1,100 students with hearing loss from around the world study, live, and socialize with 14,400 hearing students on RIT’s Rochester, N.Y., campus. U.S. News and World Report has consistently ranked RIT among the nation’s leading comprehensive universities. Web address
