September 26, 2006
Hamilton Relay Recognizes Leader in Wisconsin
From: Hamilton Relay - Sep 26, 2006
In honor of Deaf Awareness Week, Hamilton Relay is pleased to recognize Daniel Houlihan as the 2006 Deaf Leader for the State of Wisconsin.
Dan is a native of the Chicago suburbs and went to Hinsdale South High School in Chicago. He is a 1990 graduate of the National Technical Institute of the Deaf on the Rochester Institute of Technology campus in Rochester, New York. In 2003, he earned his Master’s Degree in Deaf Education from Western Maryland College, which is now McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland.
His past contributions to the Wisconsin Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities include presidency of the Wisconsin Association of the Deaf, co-founding the Wisconsin American Sign Language Teacher’s Association, and installing the American Sign Language program at the Milwaukee Sign Language School in Milwaukee, WI. Dan sits on the board of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction serving on the committees on Deaf Education and American Sign Language programs. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Superintendent’s Advisory Council.
Dan is the President of a newly founded organization called Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance, Inc. (www.dhha-wi.org) based in Milwaukee, WI. His organization provides leadership and personal growth within the Deaf community while respecting culture, language, and a visual environment.
In his free time, he enjoys playing sports especially softball. He is married to Marika Kovacs for 11 years, and has four children: Zane, 8; Riley, 6; Ainsley, 3; and Caden, 2. Dan and his family reside in Milwaukee, WI.
This leadership recognition has been brought to you by Hamilton Relay.