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December 22, 2006

CSDVRS NEWS RELEASE - Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing

From: CSDVRS - Dec 22, 2006

For Immediate Distribution
By Tanya Miller (

CSDVRS Announces Appointment of Timothy Rarus as Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Sioux Falls, S.D. (Dec. 22, 2006) — CSDVRS is pleased to announce the appointment of Timothy Rarus as the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for CSDVRS. Spun off as an independent company from Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD), the new CSDVRS incorporates all aspects of CSD’s former Video Relay Services (VRS) and related products.

As Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Rarus will establish the quality and value of CSDVRS products and services for VRS users nationwide. In his new capacity, Rarus will also be responsible for community relations and will work directly with major organizations such as the National Association of the Deaf and the World Federation of the Deaf in reaching deaf and hard of hearing consumers. The ultimate goal of CSDVRS marketing efforts will be full access to VRS for all deaf and hard of hearing people.

Tim Rarus first received national notice in 1988 as a leader of the Deaf President Now movement at Gallaudet University. After receiving a BA in government from Gallaudet in 1989, Rarus began his career working for U.S. Senator John McCain in Washington D.C. A strong advocate for communication access, Rarus joined CSD in 1997 in Austin, Texas where he focused on interpreting and captioning services. In 2002 Rarus transferred to the CSD headquarters in Sioux Falls, SD where he has played a key role in the development of the CSDVRS Video Relay product at both the national and international fronts.

Rarus will be directing marketing and sales activities. “I am excited about the new changes to CSDVRS and the opportunity for growth. We remain committed to quality and providing our customers with the most transparent VRS experience possible. I also look forward to working with our new CEO, Sean Belanger who shares our commitment of superior VRS service for all our customers. We have exciting plans for 2007 that will enhance our customer experience,” Rarus said.

CSDVRS CEO Sean Belanger is pleased to have Rarus on his team. “I am grateful to work for a deaf-based company and have asked Tim to take on this key role in the new CSDVRS. Tim and I will be working side by side committed to bringing superior service and exciting new products in Video Relay. Tim brings a wealth of VRS experience with him and we value his knowledge of the deaf and hard of hearing community. With Tim’s leadership CSDVRS will continue to be a formidable tool in bridging the communication gap between deaf and hearing people” Belanger said.

About CSDVRS: CSDVRS offers the nation’s 28 million deaf and hard of hearing individuals the ability to communicate using sign language when making telephone calls. With CSDVRS, a caller using sign language can communicate via a Video Interpreter (VI) by using a video connection. The VI signs the telephone conversation with the sign language user and voices to the hearing person using a standard telephone. Video relay is comparable to Voice Over Internet Protocol services and is free to all users requiring only a personal computer and a Web camera or a television and set-top video box along with high-speed Internet connectivity such as DSL or a cable modem.

CSDVRS can be accessed by anyone, whether deaf or hearing, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Connect to CSDVRS by any of the following:
Voice: (866) 926-8877 or (866) WANT-VRS

For more information about VRS see our Web site at, or write to us at: CSDVRS, 102 N. Krohn Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57103. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
