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December 12, 2006

Expanded health info website for deaf and hard of hearing people

From: Advocate Illinois Masonic Behavioral Health Services - Dec 12, 2006

Visit Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center's
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Health Info Web Site!!

 All the information is free and provided in ASL by Deaf actors!!

·       Learn about Diabetes, Breast Health, HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

·       Take an interactive screening to see if you have a serious problem with anxiety and depression or if you are at risk for a heart attack in the next 10 years.

If you want to view "Learn Health!  Live Healthy!" go to:

This website requires Flash Player 7 to view the videos.  Go to the home page & download Flash Player 7 for free.

This website also requires high-speed internet connection.  Go to the home page to order a free DVD or CD if you do not have high-speed internet connection.