December 8, 2006
New Edition Of Raising And Educating A Deaf Child Now Available
From: NTID - Dec 8, 2006
Contact:Â Karen E. Black
(585) 475-6840 voice/TTY
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Dec. 8—An updated edition of Raising and Educating a Deaf Child by Dr. Marc Marschark, a professor at Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf, now is available through Oxford University Press.Â
The 1997 edition of Raising and Educating a Deaf Child, written primarily for parents and teachers, discussed language, social, and intellectual development of children who are deaf. The updated version contains expanded information regarding cochlear implants, spoken language, mental health, and educational issues related to deaf children enrolled in mainstream and separate settings.Â
Marschark directs RIT’s Center for Education Research Partnerships and also teaches at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He has written 15 books and more than 100 articles related to language and cognition in deaf children and deaf and hearing adults. He founded and edits the Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education and a book series, Perspectives on Deafness, both published by Oxford University Press.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Cornell University and both his master’s degree in cognitive psychology and his Ph.D. in psycholinguistics from the University of Western Ontario, in Ontario, Canada.
 NTID is the first and largest technological college in the world for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. One of eight colleges of RIT, NTID offers educational programs and access and support services to the 1,100 deaf and hard-of-hearing students from around the world who study, live, and socialize with 14,400 hearing students on RIT’s Rochester, N.Y., campus.
 To order Raising and Educating a Deaf Child, second edition, go to http://www.oup.com/us/ (hardback $35).
Web address: http://www.rit.edu./NTID.
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