December 15, 2006
Why let slow relay calls spoil your holidays?
From: i711 Relay - Dec 15, 2006
Hi from i711.com,
Who thinks about relay during the holidays? No one, except us relay fanatics at i711.com. We're always thinking up ways to make your relay calls faster so you can get on with more important things (like eating fruitcake and latkes :O)
We wanted 15 seconds of your time to tell you about two great new services we introduced: i711 VRS and i711 Call Me(tm).
>> i711 VRS adds crystal clear VRS to your Windows PC, and it's FIREWALL FRIENDLY. So, if you use a PC -- with or without a firewall -- download i711 VRS at www.i711.com/vrs. In just a few minutes, you'll join others who've been amazed at the picture quality and simplicity of i711 VRS.
>> i711 Call Me makes it easy for hearing people to call you through relay. You get your own toll-free i711 Call Me number that hearing people can dial from any phone. When they do, you get the call on your computer, Sidekick or BlackBerry, relayed by a friendly i711 relay operator. Get your own i711 Call Me number at www.i711.com/callme.
That's it. Remember, if you must make IP relay or VRS calls this holiday season, please use i711.com. You'll be on your way faster, and with a smile on your face.
Happy Holidays.
The i711.com Team
i711.com is Relay and Beyond(r)
i711 IP relay (text): http://www.i711.com Wireless Relay: http://www.i711.com/wireless (Sidekick and BlackBerry)
VRS: http://www.i711.com/vrs
Your own i711 Call Me number: http://www.i711.com/callme