February 22, 2007
Deaf Author with Anna Nicole Smith
From: Midas Management Company - Feb 22, 2007
Deaf Counseling Training Courses and Book
From Midas Management Company:
There is a program for Hearing, Deaf, and Hard of Hearing individuals to become certified substance abuse counselors via accredited Distance Learning.
The Instructor, since 1999, of two 3 unit courses is deaf.
Dr. Frank Lala, author of "Counseling the Deaf Substance Abuser", works for the Distance Learning Center of Addiction Studies.
A joint presentation of The Betty Ford Center and The DLCAS, LLC.
Dr. Lala was a recipient of Gallaudet University's Laurent Clerc Award for his work in the field of substance abuse.
Instructor's background information is available on this website;
Distance Learning Center of Addiction Studies;
Earn CEU credits online. Dozens of courses available. NAADAC approved. Nationally recognized instructors, convient, cost-effective, and free industry news updated daily.
14 Prairie Crest Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87508
1-866-471-1742 {voice}
Author's 416 page book's available for order....
Midas Management Company
C/o G. Kassel
P.O. Box 610393
San Jose, CA 95161
The book's $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping {$23.95}.
Make out check or money order to "Midas Management Company".
"Substance abuse is a wretched disease and knowing 35% of those who are hearing impaired are substance abusers, we can no longer turn our backs on this population. Dr. Lala's book, needed and long overdue in our fields, offers vital groundbreaking material. In its thoroughness it is empowering to our professional fields of mental health, addiction, and disabilities."
Claudia Black, Ph.D., Author,,,It Will Never Happen To Me, and Changing Course.
Photo of Author, Dr. Frank Lala, with Anna Nicole Smith. Anna had history of substance abuse. Photo was taken in Atlanta, Georgia on September 11, 1993.