February 15, 2007
DEAF NEWS THIS WEEK: Deaflympic Gold and Dreaming of CapTel
From: i711 Relay - Feb 15, 2007
This week on i711.com:
GOAL POSTS by Chris Kaftan
(NEW) Chris' predictions of Deaflympic Gold were right on the money! Here's a summary of how the U. S. fared in last week's Games, and some insight on the results.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&cat=sports
BITS, BYTES, AND BAUDOT by Lisa A. Goldstein
(NEW) IP CapTel offers great promise for many with hearing loss. Lisa ponders the different ways IP CapTel will expand communication access like its IP relay and VRS siblings. Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&cat=technology
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DID YOU KNOW...i711 has a limited number of webcams available for *free* to registered i711 users? If you've been itching to see how great the video quality is on i711 VRS -- but need a webcam -- let us know. Send your request to ideas@i711.com and we'll be in touch. (These are available on a first come, first-served basis, so email us today!).
i711.com offers the best relay toolbar available? Sure, it lets you make relay calls calls like any good relay toolbar should. But ONLY the i711.com Toolbar includes ClickRelay, an "on/off switch" that lets you dial *any* phone number on *any* web page in just one click. Get the i711.com Toolbar with ClickRelay today and make your web pages accessible (and your all your relay calls) in just one click. It's free! http://www.i711.com/toolbarOverview.php.