March 19, 2007
Deaf comedian comes to library
From: Peterborough Evening Telegraph - Peterborough,England,UK - Mar 19, 2007
A DEAF comedian will be performing at Peterborough Central Library, in Broadway.
The show, which has been given the title Beautiful BSL Comedian, takes place at 7pm on Friday.
John Smith will be using material he has developed from his experiences of being deaf in a hearing world. The use of British Sign Language will also be explored within the act.
n Tickets cost £10 and are bookable via text message to 07932 225818, or by e-mailing hipas8@yahoo.com
Cast an eye over new display
AN EXHIBITION has gone on display at the Peterborough Museum to discover how people draw.
The piece by Catherine Baker, called Scanpath, focuses on how artists use their eyes to begin the creative process.
Modern technology is used to capture the eye movements of individuals, in an effort to explain how they view a scene.
The results are shown as drawings, made directly from the eye movements of those involved.
The display is free of charge, and will be on shown until April 29.
Get fit fast in exercise class
FITNESS classes are available three times a week at the Gladstone Park Community Centre.
The sessions, at the centre on Bourges Boulevard, last an hour, and are run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays each week.
Aerobics and circuit training are the main ways used to help improve the health of people coming along.
All classes cost £2, and are held Mondays and Fridays, at 10.30am, and 11.30am for Wednesday’s sessions.
n For more information, call 07837761998
Sally Army hosts toddler group
A GROUP for parents and toddlers in the city has been organised by the Salvation Army.
The group runs every Wednesday at the Salvation Army Citadel, in Bourges Boulevard, New England.
Sessions start at 1.15pm and finish at about 2.45pm.
All are welcome to attend.
n For more information, call 01733 564546.
Bag a bargain at car boot sale
AN INDOOR car boot sale has been organised for city bargain hunters.
The event takes place at All Saints’ Church Hall, in Park Road, on March 31, with a 9.30am start.
n To avoid disappointment, those wanting a pitch, at the cost of £5, should call Anne Dawson on 01733 700316.
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