May 31, 2007
DEAF NEWS THIS WEEK: A Deaf Fighter + Lip Reading Spies
From: i711 Relay - May 31, 2007
This week on i711.com:
GOAL POSTS by Chris Kaftan
(NEW) The Ultimate Fighting Championship wraps many of the techniques of boxing and martial arts around a wrestling framework. Deaf UFC athlete Matt "The Hammer" Hammill has shown a great deal of success in the UFC arena, and Chris looks at Hammill's career and prospects for the future.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&cat=sports
BITS, BYTES, AND BAUDOT by Lisa A. Goldstein
(NEW) Lip reading software tools have been around for a little while. But recently, greater accuracy, made possible by new technology, has brought these tools to the attention of the British Secret Service, which is using them to screen conversations of criminal suspects. Lisa considers the implications of the technology, and possible opportunities for civilian use. Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&cat=technology
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