August 2, 2007
DEAF NEWS THIS WEEK - Playground Hazards + Sign Language News by Video
From: i711 Relay - Aug 2, 2007
This week on i711.com:
BITS, BYTES, AND BAUDOT by Lisa A. Goldstein
(NEW) Zooming down the slide at the playground is a favorite childhood pastime. But, for kids wearing cochlear implants, such fun may prove hazardous to their CI electronics. In "Playgrounds the New Menace?" Lisa brings to light the dangers of ESD and how it can be avoided.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&cat=technology
GOAL POSTS by Chris Kaftan
(NEW) Have you been frustrated by shoddy, inaccurate, or watered-down captioning? Maybe it's time to think about sign language news broadcasts via Internet video technology. Chris explores a potential entrant in delivering Deaf-friendly news visually.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&cat=sports
CHANNEL i™ VLOG with Lauren Ridloff
(NEW) Deaf people could make a huge impact in the next election. Lauren looks at Deaf voting motivations.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/vlogs/logs.php?id=266
(NEW) Someone from New Jersey won a Sidekick 3 this week in the i711 Road Trip. We have six more to give away and you could win one. Or you could win a 2007 MINI Cooper car! Register for free today. No purchase necessary.
Visit: www.i711.com/roadtrip to register or www.i711.com/roadtrip/winners.php to see who won.
Thanks for supporting i711.com.
The i711.com Team
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