November 21, 2007
DEAF NEWS THIS WEEK: T-Mobile's foibles + Deaf in Pakistan, Part 2
From: i711 Relay - Nov 21, 2007
This week on i711.com:
(NEW) Trudy considers T-Mobile's commitment to the Deaf community in light of service outages and other frustrations.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&article=209
CROSSING BORDERS by Karina Chupina
(NEW) Last in a series, this week’s article looks deaf education and advocacy within Sicily’s deaf community.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/my711.php?tab=2&article=208
CHANNEL i VLOG THIS WEEK: Deaf Authors Abound
(NEW) Deaf authors have helped define Deaf culture and explain what it means to both hearing and deaf readers.
Visit: http://www.i711.com/vlogs/logs.php?id=286
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