October 30, 2008
Fury over noise at deaf club
From: Blackpool Gazette, UK - Oct 30, 2008
By Julia Bennett
REVELLERS at a club for the deaf were today slammed for creating too much noise.
Residents living near the Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Society for the Deaf's North Shore venue say the problem was so bad some weekends it "was like being next to a town centre nightclub".
And they today slammed the council for not responding to the anti-social behaviour caused by parties held at the club in Cornwall Avenue.
Brian Batey, 36, said: "It's been going on for more than 18 months – cars and property are being vandalised when they come out of the parties.
"The council isn't doing anything. It's been like this from when we moved in, we wouldn't have moved here if we'd known it'd be like this."
The charitable society hires the venue out for private parties in the evening to generate extra income.
But local resident Kenny Morland, 44, said: "We've had to call the police out many times. This is a residential area, but it's like a nightclub.
"Last month there was a riot on the street – there must have been about 14 people out on the street that night, running up and down the road.
"It's not just the noise levels, it's battles and fighting. It's normally a nice street."
Another Cornwall Avenue resident, who did not wish to be named, added: "It's like living opposite a nightclub in central Blackpool.
""It's difficult because the society is a charitable trust and they're trying to create some income, but this is a residential street."
PC Alan Cavanagh, community beat manager for Warbreck, said there had been problems, many caused because the smoking ban had forced revellers out onto the street.
He added: "I've been made aware of a couple of problems. When people are stood outside the club their voices can be carried up and down the street. We do deal with incidents of public disorder.
"Sometimes they will take 16 and 18-year-old parties and children end up on the street, but it doesn't happen every week.
"It has been a priority for the last two or three months.
"They are brilliant at the Deaf Club and are addressing the problems."
A spokeswoman for Blackpool Council said the club has a licence for entertainment and music until 11pm, but had applied for licence extensions until 12pm for four events so far this year.
Residents can submit applications and evidence to the council to request the review of a Premises' License.
Coun Tony Brown, ward councillor for Warbreck, said: "I'm concerned, but we can only do so much. We've got our eye on things.
"The only thing is to get the police around there on a regular basis and get licensing to have a look at it."
Carole Parr, manager of the club, said security staff were hired for parties involving young people, and she too pointed at problems brought about by the smoking ban.
She added: "We are aware there have been complaints. Now people have to go outside to smoke there have been half a dozen people outside. When residents have their windows open it has caused a disturbance.
"For the functions with young people we hire a security firm to have people on the door. We want to live in harmony with our neighbours."
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