October 17, 2008
SprintIP using AIM
From: Sprint Relay - Oct 17, 2008
SprintIP using AIM
If you haven't tried Sprint Relay's SprintIP using AIM yet, make a call today! You'll see how convenient calling your hearing friends, colleagues, businesses or loved ones by using SprintIP via AIM.
Simply add SprintIP to your AIM buddy list. You can make a call on your Sprint BlackBerry or other wireless device that supports AIM. Isn't it neat to make a relay call on the run?
You can even copy and paste the conversation and email or save it.
But, that's not all! There is another reason why SprintIP using AIM is convenient for our customers. Hearing counterparts can easily reach you on the go by reaching SprintIP operators on voice at 1.877.866.8057. Just pass on the phone number with your AIM screen name. For first time users, you need to register first on AIM before receiving voice to AIM calls by selecting SprintIP from your buddy list then type in "register." It is a very quick one-time registration process.
Besides utilizing SprintIP using AIM wirelessly, it can be used on desktops or laptops with AIM feature.
As with all of Sprint relay services, SprintIP using AIM operators are ready to take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visit www.sprintrelayblog.com (http://www.sprintrelayblog.com/) for details.