September 27, 2012
Settlement calls for better services for deaf at Adams jail
From: The Denver Post - Sep 27, 2012
By Monte Whaley
The Denver Post
BRIGHTON — A settlement agreement reached Thursday in U.S. District Court says the Adams County Sheriff must provide better services and technology for deaf inmates at the county jail.
The settlement was announced by the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition and the Colorado Association of the Deaf which filed a lawsuit on behalf of Timothy Siaki and Michaelee Owen, who are both deaf.
An Adams County Sheriff's spokesman couldn't be reached for comment Thursday evening.
The suit claimed that after Siaki was arrested on May 14, 2010 on a domestic violence complaint, he was detained at the Adams County Detention Facility for 25 days with no ability to communicate with his jailers.
After 25 days, all charges against Siaki were dropped, the suit said.
The suit also alleges that when Adams County deputies went to a Super 8 Motel to break up a fight between Siaki and Owen, Siaki was thrown to the floor and handcuffed by deputies who said he wasn't listening to and following orders.
The settlement — granted by Judge John L. Kane — requires the sheriff's department to provide sign language interpreters to deaf inmates when they arrive at the jail.
It also says the sheriff must provide deaf inmates with an orientation video with sign language interpretation so they can understand the inmate handbook, the booking procedure and how to request an interpreter.
The settlement also requires the sheriff to provide deaf inmates with the same access to listening devices as hearing inmates have to telephones. The Adams County Sheriff has also agreed to install video phones after changes to the facility's infrastructure are made later this year, the Cross-Disability Coalition said.
The sheriff's office must also pay $75,000 to cover costs, attorney fees and damages to the plaintiffs.
Monte Whaley: 720-929-0907, mwhaley@denverpost.com or twitter.com/montewhaley
@2012 The Denver Post