October 1, 2012
Cumbrian Woman's Appeal For Cash To Take Part In Deaflympics
From: News & Star - Oct 1, 2012
By Jenny Barwise
A gold medal contender at the Olympic games for deaf people could miss out on her dream if she doesn’t raise enough cash to compete.
Brigham’s Bethan Lishman said that hammer throwing is her life. She’s the best deaf female hammer thrower in the country and is in with a chance to be crowned the world champion at next year’s Deaflympics in Bulgaria.
But before the 28-year-old lives her Olympic dream, she has to raise nearly £3,500 to be able to compete.
Funding for the main event in deaf athletes’ calendars has been cut due to the Paralympics, meaning that Bethan has had to start a mammoth fundraising challenge.
She has sent out letters and emails to businesses looking for sponsorship and has so far had a “generous” donation which paid her £600 deposit. But she needs a lot more cash and is asking people for their help.
Bethan, who was born with a hearing impediment, said: “Hammer throwing is my life – without it I’d go insane.
“I went in 2009 (to the deaflympics) and was hypnotised by the whole experience. I really want to live that again and this time come away with a medal.”
When Bethan’s not working for Carlisle Leisure Limited at Workington Leisure Centre, she will be training at Wigan with coach Bob Halliwell. And she competes around the country with Wigan Harriers.
She also teaches sign language to toddler groups to help awareness of deafness at a young age.
The athlete, who has a personal best of 46.60m, has competed at international level in countries including Turkey and Taipei.
To sponsor Bethan call her on 07734802214.
@ 2012 News & Star